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The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.

The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.
The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.

The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.
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vasm 1.8l released

Published 22.07.2021 - 12:24 by AndreasM

vasm released in the Version 1.8l.


ASCII output modules cdef, ihex, srec and test now use the host system's line endings.
m68k: Scale factor may be a (constant) symbol.
m68k: Recognize local register symbols.
m68k: Fixed -opt-jbra (opt ob+), which caused an illegal instruction error since the last release.
m68k: Enabled Apollo Core FPU instructions.
m68k: Apollo FPU instruction banking prefix support. Patch by John Hankinson.
jagrisc: Fixed (Rn+0) optimization to (Rn).
z80: Support for the 12 additional 8085 instructions by Grzegorz Mazur.
6809: Added missing LSRW and support for the 6309 F-register (patch by Jim Westfall).
6809: Fixed LDW indexed addressing mode.
mot-syntax: showoffset for PhxAss compatibility.
mot-syntax: Fixed DX directive, which was broken in the last release.
madmac-syntax: ABS directive is no longer available for the jagrisc cpu backend as it conflicts with the instruction name.
std-syntax: .int uses the target's address size.
oldstyle-syntax: addr uses the target's address size.
hunk-output: Default section name comes from the syntax module now, in case the output only contains symbols, but no data.
srec-output: Added -crlf option to enforce CR/LF line endings (submitted by Grzegorz Mazur).
ihex-output: Added -crlf option to enforce CR/LF line endings (submitted by Grzegorz Mazur).

vasm is a portable and retargetable assembler to create linkable objects in various formats or absolute code. Multiple CPU-, syntax and output-modules can be selected.

Many common directives/pseudo-opcodes are supported (depending on the syntax module) as well as CPU-specific extensions.

The assembler supports optimizations (e.g. choosing the shortest possible branch instruction or addressing mode) and relaxations (e.g. converting a branch to an absolute jump when necessary).

Most syntax modules support macros, include directives, repetitions, conditional assembly and local symbols.

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