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The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.

The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.
The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.

The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.
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New downloads on

Published 15.10.2020 - 21:23 by AndreasM

For whatever reason, the site has been regularly overlooked recently.

Thanks to we are now making up for it. :)

Mirko Engelhart informs:

3 new games to download

There is another update, this time there are 3 new games. We rummaged in our old archives and found a license. This time by Peter Verswyvelen, the Belgian was responsible for programming these 3 games in his time: Ziriax, Deliverance and Zarathrusta. Therefore these games are now available for free download here. Have lots of fun with it.

Airbus 320 simulator and directory ...

Just busy with Simulmondo games, the next major update. Rainer Bopf's Airbus 320 simulations have been online since yesterday. Today we are adding another tool after a long time. DirectoryOpus 5 Magellan 2. Have fun. We will add more Opus versions and more apps.

All Simulmondo games online

Simulmondo was Italy's leading publisher and developer of games in the late 1980s and early 1990s, mainly publishing for Commodote 64, Amiga and DOS. They released multiple series of more than 10 games, including licensed titles starring Dylan Dog and a Diabolik series of 12 games. They also produced many sports games, often with ambitious 3D modeling. Since yesterday the time has come, we put all the games for the Amiga online, at least all we could find. Including many parts of Diabolik (unfortunately not all) and all parts of Time Runners. We were also able to put Dylon Dog games online. In addition to these games, all of Simulmondo's sports games are online. If one thing is missing and you have it, give it to us support (a)

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